Amerikaan Desolators
Book One: The Last Roman




Let me tell you a story of what our world—what we—might look like if Jesus of Nazareth had never been born.

History’s Single Irreplaceable Event

CATO JACK, Primus Intelligence Officer, is a dog-eared, battle-weary hero of the Amerikaan-Roman Empire and veteran of the Muslim Wars in Europa and Africanus.

His partner, NARCISSA SLANDAR, is a shadowy Primus Purgator, and an expert on Deep West operations.

The Amerikaan Empire faces the greatest challenge of its long, brutal history, a threat that will destroy Caesar’s Amerika unless Cato and Narcissa can locate the mythic Ephrami prophet in time—and kill him.

They team with MAGOS THE HUMBLE, a secretly faith-driven, massive black ‘man for all seasons.’ An escaped slave on a divinely inspired, secret quest.

This unlikely trio hijack a state-of-the-art Amerikaan military ‘sausage balloon,’ with speeds approaching a mile-a-minute! (Breakneck!)

Together they penetrate the uncharted Amerikaan Deep West, seeking the prophet who is called to ‘make straight the path of the Messiah,’ soon to come.

And though the world has long given up on the gods, our unlikely trio learns that God is alive and well in the hearts and minds of an obscure people hiding in the Deep West, longing for their promised Savior…

What readers are saying:

A story for our time, and an honest hero we could use right now. I’m counting the days till ‘Book Two’!

Like all worthy art, Amerikaan Desolators can be understood on multiple levels. So, set your own sights and…enjoy the ride.

Finally, a Christian novel that reads like something from Lee Child or John le Carre!



Available in paperback & e-book

GRIEVOUS WOLVES: (non-fiction book)
Protecting and Preparing America’s Families in the age…‘When men’s hearts shall fail them…’ (Luke 21:26)


1:  It All Happened In The Bubble…

2:  A World Without Christ and Christianity…

3:  Doing What Christians Do…

4:  If the Left Didn’t Have Double Standards, They’d Have No Standards At All…

5:  A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand…

6:  Predestination: The Left’s Deadly Doctrine…

7:  Progressive & Neo-Marxist Devolution: To Kill the Traditional, Christian Family…

8:  The Left’s ‘Parthian Shot’: Socialism Violates 3 of 10 Commandments…

9:  The ‘Lies of Social Justice’: America Under Attack…

10:  The American Ensign: The World’s Only Genuinely Indispensable Nation…

11:  Do You Believe In Karma? President Lincoln Did…

12:  Why the Left Must Attack Traditional Christian Marriage…

13:  So How Did We Get Here? By Hook Or Crook, Or By Accident?

14: Serving Christ Among America’s Long Lost and Forgotten…

15:  The Evil Empire: Keeping My Head Down in Swampland…

16: Fashioning An Evil Empire—On Purpose!

17:  Lincoln Understood—Finally—America’s National Salvation in Christ…

18: The Salvation of St. Nicholas of Levoy…

19:  The Legacy Generation: Helping Our Youth Forge Courage and Faith in Christ…

20:  A Final Word of Hope…


Grievous Wolves:

Protecting and Preparing America’s Families in the Age…

“When men’s hearts shall fail them” (Luke 21:26)

(both Paperback and Ebook, by Rick Robison)